Saturday, 6 March 2010

Skipton Castle

I got to go see one of the best and most complete preserved castles from the mid evil times this week end, its classed as a castle but also as a fortress and it is 800 years old, I could see only one weak spot in all of the castle, it was this lovely court yard that over looked the 600 year old Church, Apparently there was once a pirate that lived in this castle, he is buried in the church he died at only 47 years old. We even got a tour of the dungeon it wasn't that big a dungeon but it was the part everyone was most interested in ( i thought to my self leave it to the English to be interested in the worst).

This is the first look you get after you enter the gates

It really is a breath taking view.

this was the door way leading into the rest of the castle

This was the view of the court yard

This is the castle kitchen, and a room off to the side was the castle bathroom, it was built off this long cliff into a stream ( i thought it was ingenious)
(the toilet has a suspiciously new toilet lid)

This was there dinning hall,(it has a fresh coat of white paint,that's not very mid evil if you ask me)

This was the queen and the children's living quarters (they got one room, it was a nice room though)this is also the view from there quarters

The king got 3 rooms all to him self! lucky bugger (no wonder the mid evil times were so hard, every one was pissed off cuz the king had the whole palace for his wanking fits!)and the view from his bed room

Here was the dungeon, it has no natural light, no fresh air, and no way to escape. It had a hole in the middle of the room called an Oubliette (meaning in french to forget) enemy's of the castle and prisoners and such would be drooped down this 8 to 10 foot hole and the hole would be covered in this huge piece of wood and they would just be forgotten, before the dungeon was there however it was called a killing room, the castle draw bridge was just over that room and when invaders would try to take the castle the draw bridge that had stilts would flip open and drop all the people on the bridge into this deep stone room. (this was the only part of the castle with some one telling story's phhtt predictable English)

Then we went and visited the 600 year old Church wrapping up our day ( it was breath taking) no words can describe the love i felt when i sat in the pews, I relax and feel it even just looking at the pics again.

If your ever around Skipton i recommend visiting this castle and church.

(click pictures to enlarge)