Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Charlie Brown Christmas

I watched this every year when i was a kid.

Saturday, 13 November 2010


This is truly my ideal of heaven!

Snowing from David Michael Lamb on Vimeo.

I have become obsessed with snow this year....I have always loved snow and winter but im wearing snowflake earrings a necklace and bracelet I have even painted snowflakes on my finger nails! I think I have snow madness :/. I have been becoming increasingly irritated that there is not already piles of snow outside and im jealous as hell that Scotland is already covered in snow!! I feel it unfair :(.....I talk about snow and it snowing constantly ( jeez I must be annoying to be around) I cut snowflakes out of paper at work, I draw them, I have even painted a painting of them. What in the world is going on with me??!! Ok yes I defiantly have snow madness. I think I need professional help.

Science of Snowflakes

By David Ropeik

It’s widely believed that no two snowflakes are alike — but it turns out that there are various forms of snowflakes, making the tale a bit more complicated. For better or verse, here’s the whole story, including the lowdown on rain, hail and sleet.

Because of the way that they grow,
Each frozen white crystal of snow
Is thought in our mind
To be one of a kind.
But guess what: It just isn’t so.

When H2O molecules freeze,
Hexagons form with great ease.
Molecular bonds
Like magical wands
Form the six-sided shapes snowfall sees.

Dendrite flakes, with their six crystal wings,
Are among nature’s loveliest things.
These flakes are unique,
No two can you seek
Just the same in the white winter brings.

But at temperatures lower or higher
In air that’s more humid, or drier,
Different shapes grow:
Less unique flakes of snow
That develop much simpler attire.

Needles, and Columns, and Plates
Are flakes with identical mates.
Like wheels on a bike
These flakes look alike.
Each type has quite similar traits.

But the turbulent winds of a storm
With temperatures both cold and warm
And mixed moisture sources
Create varying forces
That cause complex mixed crystals to form.

So while some flakes can all look the same,
Most are not nearly so tame.
They’re all based on a “hex,”
But they’re just as complex
As the Nature from whence each one came.

Now raindrops, and sleet, even hail
Are part of a simpler tale:
Though they vary in size
Like a bunch of french fries
Each forms the same way without fail.

Big drops fall from moist warmer air,
Or when smaller drops join, way up there.
Hailstones will grow
When strong updrafts blow.
A thunderstorm has those to spare.

Sleet’s just a raindrop that froze
Before it crashed into your nose
Wet rain that falls
And then freezes on walls
Is freezing rain. Traffic it slows.

Each type of cold precipitation
Has its own origination.
We suffer together
The wet winter weather
No matter our town, state, or nation.

More reading

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Armstead Snow Motors

I look at this and wonder why we are not using them today??

Armstead Snow Motors from Seeking Michigan on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I was looking through my stats, cos I just now found out how to do that. And I was impressed by just how many people come to search for... stuff in my blog.
What impressed me the most was that people keep looking and coming for thanksgiving pictures and stealing them off my post.
I bet they didn't even bother reading it.
The next biggest search I come across is knitted willy warmers. I think I should get my husband one of those for Christmas as I have it posted and all that jazz, and he hasn't even bothered to try one out.
I put up something about Halloween this year, and that's already got a lot of hits. I have no clue why. They are probably just stealing the pictures.
Now my very favourite search has to be for "gay anal love" on my Brokeback Mountain post. And while this may seem strange to you, I sit here finding myself wishing they were looking for things like "bloody tampons" and "botched boob jobs" and "freakish penises". 'Course I never blogged about any of that so it would be strange if they found it on my blog. But a girl can have dreams. You know I probably need to blog about that stuff if I want it to be searched for.
Christmas is coming and I already put up all of my Christmas decorations and have started buying Christmas gifts because, I am that bored. I bet you're wondering why I'm talking about that now, I'm wondering too.
I have to go get ready for my real job now.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

AAAHHH the Internet

I love the internet, not because I do anything intelligible or intelligent on it, im not sure the internet has much use save for porn, recipes and funny pics! Funny pics I found follow.......

The sexiest puppet ever made

A normal day in Japapan

I would love that!

I hope he kills the lil bitch and his weepy slut

The truth

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Gay Japan

You know, I watched gay porn for a long time after watching Brokeback Mountain, to try get used to the idea of watching men have intercourse.
After about four or five months I was okay watching it, after I stopped watching it and started watching again I still felt sickened and shocked. As stated before I love gay men, adore them even. But watching them have sex is just not for me.
So naturally, while I'm sitting watching a new TV show with my husband, who enjoyed watching Brokeback Mountain *clears throat* I decided that there was something very gay on there, and the only thing gayer was gay Japanese men. So I started looking for it.
My husband even said in a kind of turned on voice 'Did you see the bottom one, he kinda looks like a woman.' Which kinda freaked me out, but I'll let it go for now. It's probably something I need to discuss with him later. So now I'm watching a video of an extremely gay individual rub Cheetos all over his body, then suck it into his mouth.OMG is he sucking that Cheeto off? You know he has blonde hair and blue eyed contacts in. Why in the world would he want to look white? I think Japanese people are beautiful.Why some of them want to look white is beyond me.
I think gay Japanese men are even gayer than other gay men. I don't know if I can post porn on here but I was going to show you examples of gayness, I'll have to find out and if I can I'll put gay porn on here.
Why is it in gay porn do you see two men having sex, and then the one getting it shoved up his anus is not hard? That happens all to often, you guys can't fake it like we can. Anal sex hurts if you're not turned on, I think I have said far too much now.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Where Did Halloween Come From?

What is Halloween really all about?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Who in the world ever thought of the idea of walking around in weird costumes, trick or treating, and/or putting a carved-out pumpkin in your window?"

You will agree with me that Halloween is really one of the strangest days of the year, is it not? Perhaps you wonder how the celebration of such a day ever got started. In this post I will try to answer these question for you.

When did the modern Halloween celebration begin?

During the Middle Ages (about 600 years ago), the Roman Catholic Church at that time, decided to make the change-over from pagan religion to Christianity a bit easier, and therefore allowed the new converts to maintain some of their pagan feasts. It was agreed, however, that from now on they would be celebrated as "Christian" feats. So instead of praying to there heathen gods, they would now pray to, and remember the deaths of saints. For this reason the church decided to call November 1 the "Day of All Saints," and the mass to be celebrated on that day "Alhallowmass." In consequence of this, the evening prior to this day was named, "All Hallowed Evening" which subsequently was abbreviated as "Halloween." In spite of this effort to make October 31 a "holy evening," all the old customs continued to be practiced, and made this evening anything BUT a holy evening!

The historical roots of the Halloween; which are believed to date back to ancient Germanic and Celtic societies, which celebrated the festival of Samhain. The festival of Samhain marked the end of the year these ancient societies viewed as the "light half" of the year (Spring and Summer). Autumn and Winter were viewed as the "dark half" of the year, and this half of the year had been associated with death. It is believed that the time of harvest, which marked the end of growing plants on which people survived (as well as the beginning of the seasons less suitable for animals kept in pastures), may have led to the association of death and "the dark half" of the year.

Halloween, celebrated each year on October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic and Roman religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday we know today. Straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity and life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Halloween has long been thought of as a day when the dead can return to the earth, and ancient Celts would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off these roaming ghosts. The Celtic holiday of Samhain, the Catholic Hallowmas period of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day and the Roman festival of Feralia all influenced the modern holiday of Halloween. In the 19th century, Halloween began to lose its religious connotation, becoming a more secular community-based children's holiday. Although the superstitions and beliefs surrounding Halloween may have evolved over the years, as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people can still look forward to parades, costumes and sweet treats to usher in the winter season.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The real story of St. Patrick's Day

We all love St. Patrick's day, children pinch each other at school if there not wearing green, Adults drink them selves into a stupor on green beer, every one makes Corn beef and cabbage And there's this marry feeling in the air!

But whats the true story of why we commit gluttony and binge on drink? My husband asked me to explore this topic......

St. Patrick was born in Wales in 387. His father's name was Calpornius and his mother's name was Conchessa. He lived in a villa in the country. He was captured by a man named Niall of the Nine Hostages or as most people know him as Niall Naoi nGiallach. They took him to Ireland and sold him to a farmer who lived in Antrim.

The farmer's name was Milchu. Patrick minded sheep on a hill and sometimes he tended pigs. They say he wasn't looked after very well. Sometimes he ate the pig's swill to keep him alive. He prayed every night. Then one night he heard a voice. It was God. He was telling him he had to escape. He thought he was dreaming but God told him he wasn't. The voice said that there was a ship waiting for him in Port Laraige (Waterford). He had to walk there and that wasn't easy. He had to kill animals for food to stay alive. He survived and got there.

There was a ship waiting for him but it had a cargo of wolfhounds for France. Patrick asked the captain, "Is this boat heading for France?" The captain asked him, "Why are you in such a hurry". Then the captain said, "You're a slave and you want to escape". Patrick said, "Well actually, I am". Quickly the captain replied, "I'm not taking a slave in my boat". Patrick got off. The ship left the pier and suddenly the hounds went berzerk and they had to return quickly. They tried again and each time the hounds went mad. Patrick said, "If you let me on that boat I will make sure that the hounds will settle. The captain answered, "OK but if you're lying well throw you overboard". And surely the hounds calmed down as soon as Patrick boarded the ship. They stayed calm until they got to France. It took a longtime to get there around about six days. He was about 17 at this stage.

He got through it and eventually got back to Wales. He wasn't there long when again he heard the voice telling him to go back to Ireland to tell the Irish pagans all about Jesus. He realised then that he wanted to become a priest. It wasn't easy. He went back and started his training. He went to St.Martins Monastery in Tours, France to train. Then he went back to England. He met Pope Celestine. The Pope was very happy with him. Then Patrick told him the whole story including the voices. The Pope told him that it was definitely God. Patrick wasn't the first person to be sent to Ireland. But that person failed. His name was Pallaclius. He went to Ireland in 431.

Shortly afterwards Patrick returned to Ireland. He had some priests with him. It was Easter now. They got off the boat and headed inland. He camped at Slane. They decided they would light a fire. That night was a very special night for the Pagans. It was the beginning of growth and they were celebrating the coming of Spring. Unknown to him he had broken the law. Normally, the king, whose name was Laoghaire, would light the fire first and everybody would see it and then light theirs. Someone looked out and saw Patrick's fire and said, "Look that must be the king's fire". So they lit their fire and then everybody started lighting their fires. The king looked out and saw everybody's fire lit. He was furious. He shouted, "I didn't light my fire yet". So they went to the place where they thought the fire had started. They arrested all the foreigners including Patrick. They tried and tried and couldn't put the fire out, but only Patrick could do it because he had God on his side.

The chieftain Laoghaire didn't want to learn about God but he let Patrick speak. They were surprised how Patrick knew their language so well. Then Patrick picked up the shamrock and asked, "How many leaves are there?" They all said three. Then Patrick asked how many seeds were needed to make it. Someone said one. This is how he explained the Blessed Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The chieftain let him preach to anybody who would listen to him. A pagan priest said, "I will follow him".

He travelled up the east coast to Strangford Lough. He went ashore at Kilough in Co. Down. He went north and built a small church. He moved on to Connacht and then to Munster. He spent sixty years in Ireland. During that time he consecrated 350 Bishops to follow his ways. He died on the 17th of March 493 in Sabhall in County Down. Patrick's name comes from the name Patricius meaning Father. Most people couldn't pronounce his name properly at that time in Ireland so they originally called him Catrige.

St. Patrick's story

Happy St. Patrick's Day no matter how you might celebrate it!

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

This link leads you to my YouTube channel, I have been making new videos.

There's makeup videos now too

Theres lots more videos as well, Click my channel and see for your self!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Good advice for safer computing

1. When you need a free program that does something specific goto or which are sites that
scan every file they have for viruses or spyware, select free, or freeware
(or gpl) and search for what you need. If you find a website giving away
free software, then search it out on those two sites and download through

2. Never ever ever use microsoft outlook express for your email, it
downloads everything to your computer, it is always best to view hotmail
online so you can choose what to download to your computer first.

3. If you piss off someone who is a cracker or knows a cracker, they can
easily hack your computer via you opening one of their files, and they
will always seem like files you wanted from them such as games, or funny
presentations. If you value your data then value it more than cheap porn
or a cheap laugh. If they get mad you wont open it, thats their h4X0r2

4. If they're really really mad at you then they'll get you on MSN
messenger so they can take a note of your ip which is the address of your
pc on the entire internet. MSN of course needs this to work properly but
chat messengers such as palscene understand the threat and hide your ip
behind their firewall. Crackers can also get your ip by sending you an
email with a photo in or having you visit their website, both ways means
that they can catch your ip address when you download the image in the
email or download the webpage to view (both of which are hosted on their

5. You will still a virus eventually if you download pirated software, a
keygen is usally bogus with a virus that hasn't been discovered by your
antivirus company yet. If it says its clean it may not be which is why the
best defence is to not get infected in the first place. A good firewall is
essential for this also, that doens't include Mcaffee or windows firewall
but does include firewalls like Online Armor, research your firewall and
antivirus well.

6. Harking back to having data you care about on your pc, DONT. Simply put
don't put anything precious on a home pc, they are all falliable. Beware
of putting it on a DVD too because they scratch easily. And even a pocket
flash drive
will forget your data in enough years time. The best bet if
you have things that are really valuable is to let a proffesional worrier
take care of it on a good file host that you have to pay for and who
doesn't appear to be going out of business. At home though keep it in a
safe place on a DVD or a flash drive you wont be using often and hope for
the best.: )

7. If you get a virus on your pc, or if you use a pc like a bitch you must
always format it as often as you can be bothered. Because you didn't leave
valuable files on your hard drive from step No 7 you dont care about your
pc and can wipe it and all its viruses whenever anything bad happens to
it, and laugh. This normally will make it run better than ever. But be
advised it can end up as a tech nightmare if you dont know what a driver
is or how to find it. The best advice is to format your pc with a friend
next to you who has their pc online to download needed files like Everest
for example (which can help you find the drivers you need for certain
sound cards etc.).

8. NEVER EVER fill out your accurate personal information anywhere if you
really dont have to. If a site wants you to register with an email
address, then create a different free yahoo email address for it. If you
have to fill out your name, then give a false name. If you need a
password, give a password you dont use for your banking etc. as well. It
is incredibly easy just with someone's full name to search out all their
internet footprints. You never know when you will find the wrong enemy. If
you have a unique username also, that is searchable too. Only give out
information if you want poeple to contact you, and only in the ways you
want them to contact you.

P.S. Lately the renound antivirus 2010 is still at large, if you have a
site say you are infected with a virus click OK to remove it, then instead
press ctrl-alt-delete go into task manager>processes and kill your
iexplorer.exe if you were in internet explorer or firefox.exe if you were
in firefox. Also if someone gives you a link its good practise to search
for it in google first to see whats there.

These are all things me and my husband have tried to teach friends a family.....Good luck!

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Skipton Castle

I got to go see one of the best and most complete preserved castles from the mid evil times this week end, its classed as a castle but also as a fortress and it is 800 years old, I could see only one weak spot in all of the castle, it was this lovely court yard that over looked the 600 year old Church, Apparently there was once a pirate that lived in this castle, he is buried in the church he died at only 47 years old. We even got a tour of the dungeon it wasn't that big a dungeon but it was the part everyone was most interested in ( i thought to my self leave it to the English to be interested in the worst).

This is the first look you get after you enter the gates

It really is a breath taking view.

this was the door way leading into the rest of the castle

This was the view of the court yard

This is the castle kitchen, and a room off to the side was the castle bathroom, it was built off this long cliff into a stream ( i thought it was ingenious)
(the toilet has a suspiciously new toilet lid)

This was there dinning hall,(it has a fresh coat of white paint,that's not very mid evil if you ask me)

This was the queen and the children's living quarters (they got one room, it was a nice room though)this is also the view from there quarters

The king got 3 rooms all to him self! lucky bugger (no wonder the mid evil times were so hard, every one was pissed off cuz the king had the whole palace for his wanking fits!)and the view from his bed room

Here was the dungeon, it has no natural light, no fresh air, and no way to escape. It had a hole in the middle of the room called an Oubliette (meaning in french to forget) enemy's of the castle and prisoners and such would be drooped down this 8 to 10 foot hole and the hole would be covered in this huge piece of wood and they would just be forgotten, before the dungeon was there however it was called a killing room, the castle draw bridge was just over that room and when invaders would try to take the castle the draw bridge that had stilts would flip open and drop all the people on the bridge into this deep stone room. (this was the only part of the castle with some one telling story's phhtt predictable English)

Then we went and visited the 600 year old Church wrapping up our day ( it was breath taking) no words can describe the love i felt when i sat in the pews, I relax and feel it even just looking at the pics again.

If your ever around Skipton i recommend visiting this castle and church.

(click pictures to enlarge)

Monday, 1 March 2010

Fuck Manic Panic

I will never use any Manic Panic product again. I used to use there liquid makeup and it made my skin red, it was skin tone color so why it made me red (like I had Rosacea ) was a mystery, not only this but the makeup its self turned this kinda ugly yellow after a while.... Then I though ok I hear rave reviews about there hair dye and its supposed to be so gentle and great so I guess ill try it, I even saw videos and pictures that made this look like the answer to your punk hair color dreams! Well I tried to do the ends of my hair, I bleached out the black and applied shocking blue I left it on over night, when I woke up I washed it out, it was strange I couldn't even see were I had dyed my hair it was so dark, however as it washed out over time it did not turn a shocking shade of blue but what was shocking is that it was green! Ok so I only bleached my hair once and though maybe this is my fault as my hair was still orange when I put on the blue, BUT GREEN? I have tried to used manic panic one last time and this is the very last time I will ever use any of there cheap crappy products EVER! I started by bleaching my hair again and got it to a nice light blond I then applied Cotton Candy pink to my bleached hair left it on like 3 hours and blow dried it for a while to open up the cuticles to try to get that color really in there, then I washed it out....nothing but a pinkish tinge showed up, so ok fine I had over half a jar left so I applied all of the rest to my ends and left it over night with a bag around the hair I had put the dye on...i woke up and rinsed it out, well there's not much pink on my ends now at all still (some parts are still blond) maybe a little more tinged. I said it before and ill say it again I WILL NEVER USE THE CHEAP ASS CRAP MANIC PANIC PRODUCTS AGAIN!!!! I am going to be trying a new hair color called Fudge Paintbox Hair Dye Color, Its not supposed to be cheap and low quality like Manic Panic. After I use it if its crap ill probably write something about it. I sincerely hope this will fix the damaged mess Manic Panic has left my hair in.

Be careful if you decide to use Manic Panic products as the bleach, liquid make up and dye have all damaged my hair and skin.

Update: 03/03/2010

So I have tried the Fudge Painbox hair color and it works great! I only had to leave the color on my hair for 30 mins (I left it on for 45 mins) before i got to see rich vibrant color! I love this stuff!!!
I will be using it next time i want loud vibrant color in my hair! Thank you Fudge Paintbox :*


At work Thursday I was ask for like the 1000 time how I got my hair 3 different colors (oh yeah I got a real job and my hair is mystic violet on the top black in the middle and purple on the ends) then I remember finally I had blogged about my hair color before and probably should do another update......Cuz im not at all lazy........Anyway I have been using stuff called La Riche Directions Hair Color since 06/2010, not only does it last longer on my hair than Fudge Painbox hair color it does not coast as much. Don't get me wrong Fudge Painbox hair color is great but La Riche Directions Hair Color is way better!!!