What is your philosophy? Is it mundane or deep? Is it an ideal or belief? Is it a matter of truth or proof? Is it about the ego or humility? I know some one who claims them selves a philosopher, yet they refuse to see the smallest truth regarding them selves, they own a web site and when you say the slightest thing about there philosophy they don't like they fly into a rage, yet they steal all there philosophical pieces from others ( mainly one other). Then after a few years of thieving they tell you you don't understand them or there philosophy. Not only all this but to top it off they have an extremely large ego. Yea I guess I'm having another rant but a rant I need. Next time you meet someone who claims there a philosopher look a bit deeper. A philosopher is willing to see there own faults and face whom they really are , a philosopher wont steal there work from others but think deeply and come to there own conclusion. A philosopher will never try to make you believe what they want you to believe for there own comfort or ego. I wish you better luck than it appears I have had.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Posted by Lady Luck at 09:28 0 comments
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Why is it others feel they can step all over you then feel like you kicked them when you tell them you wont take there crap? I say I hate people, I don't, I just hate certain people. The whinny little mommas boys and abusers in life really take the cake for me. I especially hate the abuser that abuse you then say your the abuser. Or people who suffocate you and make you feel unwanted all the while trying to act like there getting even for some crap they shouldn't have been doing in the first place. I really hate users who make you think your the user. I hate anyone who will shit on some one else then make them feel like they deserve it and like they are owed your loyalty. I hate mind fuckers and people who think they are better than every one else because of some shit they made up in there head. I hate lazy ass holes who would be lost if you were not the one holding them together. I know some one who possess all these lovely virtues and makes you feel like your the problem. My advice at the end of this rant is this, if your being abused stand up for your self or get out, If you don't do something now you will regret your own weakness later.
Posted by Lady Luck at 03:27 0 comments